The Most Honorable Job
Which job holds the most honor?
The Judge?
We call them Your Honor,
But they sit on the safe bench,
Warm and cozy or air conditioned,
Judging the sinner.
The Doctor?
They are honorable in their amount of education
And their saving of many lives.
But they are duly compensated
And aren’t usually put at risk.
The Lawyer?
They are also honorable in their amount of education,
And their logical thinking,
Fighting for or against the sinner,
But mostly in safety.
The Army?
We seem to honor them above all,
And they have every right to be honored
For they stand ready to die for their nation,
On the rare chance that it goes to war.
But what is the most honorable job of all, really?
There’s a job we forget,
That doesn’t get their credit due.
They apprehend the sinner in the hot or cold,
In the rain or shine.
They save lives and livelihoods regularly,
yet are barely paid.
They know the law almost as much as a lawyer
Because their every action is dictated by its decrees.
They stand ready to die for their community
Not on the rare occasion…
But daily!
And for their whole career!
Yet we forget when we should never forget…
Our mindset must hold them even above the others…
So that their minds and hearts
Wouldn’t have an ounce of shame,
But could rightfully swell with a therapeutic, sustaining pride…
And their pockets be just as full…
For they are the most honorable.
They are the police.